The sun to the left clockwise and counterclockwise – 3 important phases

The sun to the left is a cool and easy-going trick that you can do several times in a row with a little bit of momentum!
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You heard right! The sun to the left in a clockwise and counterclockwise direction is a great beginner trick to be able to combine several tricks in a row. The sun to the left is perfect to use either as a connecting trick between two other tricks or to perform it several times in a row. The trick is predestined for this because it consists entirely of swing and no knots or other moves lead to the completion of the final trick. To learn it in the best possible way, note the following phases of the sun to the left:


Phase 1

Point the right stick inward so that it points both down toward the diabolo and slightly in your direction. Your left stick and hand do not move.


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Phase 2

Now move your right and left hands to make your diabolo swing. Swing the diabolo, like a pendulum, from right to left and back. Make sure that only your hands and forearms move slightly. Keep a firm stance and do not move the rest of your body.

Also, make sure that your diabolo swings in a straight line and does not swing too much to the right or left, or up or down.


Das Diabolo schwingen


Phase 3

From here you are in the perfect position to swing your diabolo in a complete circle, a sun. All you need is enough momentum. And once you’ve built up enough momentum, you can use it to try several suns in a row.

By bending your right stick inward, your diabolo will move in a circle under your right arm.


Die Sonne unter dem Arm


And thus you can swing the diabolo either clockwise or counterclockwise in a circle. The initial principle remains the same. The direction is up to you.


1. Important note

It is very important to make sure that your diabolo swings in a circle beyond your stick ends. If it does not, it will not form a circle and you will easily lose control, causing your diabolo to fall out of the string or get tangled in the string.


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2. important note

Be careful that your string does not wrap around the axis of your diabolo. Because that way it can easily happen that you get a knot in your string.


3. important hint

Keep your hands and forearms as still and relaxed as possible while swinging the diabolo in a circle. So don’t move your arms too much forward and backwards or you will lose control. Also, keep them in line and don’t unconsciously move them to the right or left, or the diabolo will become misaligned.


Gerade Linie des Diabolos


If you pay attention to the individual phases and take the hints into account, you will surely learn the sun to the left clockwise and counterclockwise. Feel free to contact me if you have any problems or unexpected difficulties.

Are you looking for another challenge? Then definitely check out the small knot – easy and impressive for beginners. Are you not that far yet, but still looking for tips on the basics? Then check out the basic diabolo drive and alignment.

Otherwise, have fun practicing! Have a nice day.

Best regards



Das Diabolo Zirkus Türkis

The perfect diabolo for learning tricks – The diabolo “Circus” by Henrys

Click here for the matching video tutorial (English subs)!

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Bastian Schäfer

Welcome to Diabolesson! My name is Bastian and I have been playing diabolo since I was 12 years old. After having trained children, teenagers and adults all over the world, I would like to pass on my experience to you. Learn more about me and visit my website!

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