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Achieve faster learning progress immediately | 3 tips

After this post, you won’t ask yourself that question again. The good news is that it is possible to make faster and more efficient progress in learning. We’re talking about progress in juggling or playing the diabolo, as well as faster progress in general when you dedicate yourself to a certain subject in which you want to improve.

This can be, for example, your job, learning for your studies or an instrument. I’m going to show you how to improve your learning and make faster progress with three simple tips:


1. Set a specific time

What happens to many people who want to learn something specifically is this: Either they just learn as they go or they set a day or a certain time in the day when they want to learn. The last one is not bad, but many of them focus on the time of learning, but not on the learning itself.

What do I mean by this? Quite simply: Many look at the clock at the end of the day and say: Wow, that’s cool, I’ve studied for 8 hours today. But did they really learn permanently? And were they able to make progress as a result?


Keine Fortschritte beim Lernen


Presumably, there were enough dreaming or distraction phases in these 8 hours, which may even have happened unconsciously, but ate up vast amounts of time. So you probably could have reduced the 8 hours by a few hours and still used the day for other activities.

So it is best to set a fixed time for your learning and then really stick to this time. For example, learn a certain diabolo trick 4 times a week for 1 hour.


Gitarre lernen


And that brings us to the second tip for making faster progress.

What’s the point if you set aside 1 or even 4 hours to learn something, but your concentration quickly drops and your mind drifts off again anyway? So the second rule is:


2. Take enough breaks

Breaks between learning phases are important to give your head time to let what you have learned sink in, relax and gather new energy for the next learning phase. For example, set a study period of 25 minutes and a break of 5 minutes.

How you arrange your breaks and how long a break and learning phase should be is entirely up to you and varies from person to person.


Pause beim Lernen


If you don’t know for yourself yet, just try a few options to see what works best for you.

Usually, I would also recommend you to let your smartphone rest as much as possible even during breaks, otherwise your brain will be fed with unnecessary information again.

Now we come to the last point to round up your efficient learning as much as possible. Once you are done with your learning or training, then..


3. Take notes for progress

Notes are important to consolidate what you have learned and also to measure your progress for later. It makes sense to keep a learning diary in which you record your progress in a few sentences or bullet points.

Alternatively, you can take notes for the next training session and record the points that you noticed about yourself during the current training.

You may have your own suggestions for solving mistakes in diabolo tricks that you don’t want to forget and try out during the next training session. This way you will leave the training with a satisfied feeling.


Notizen für Fortschritte


Because even if you didn’t make much progress this time, at least you’ve thought about your training and worked out possible solutions for the next training sessions.

This will also increase your motivation for the next workout. I hope you enjoyed these three tips. Integrate these tips into your learning and you will make faster progress.

If you are still looking for a good balance to learning or you are looking for something new to learn, check out my YouTube channel. I wish you a lot of fun with your learning and your progress!

Best regards


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